Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.

College Rules:-

  • 1. A student is advised to keep her identity card with her during college hours so as to produce it, at the time of need.All the students must come to the college in uniform.
  • 2. All the student are required to put on their college uniform during college hours.
  • 3. Every student is required to attend her classes regularly. Continuous absence is a serious breach of college discipline.
  • 4. Students not connected with a class should not assemble in front of the class room or make a noise. While the class is in progress.
  • 5. Students are required to go to the specified counters to get their work done. Fees are received in the college cash counter as notified to the students.
  • 6. Cycles, Scooters etc. should be kept in the specified shed.
  • 7. Grievances of the students, if any, should be brought to the notice of the principal.
  • 8. Every student should go through the college calendar for any information.
  • 9. Every student should go through the college notice board everyday to get necessary information regarding all office orders, suspension of classes, examination, literary competitions and cultural programmes etc. She may however seek clarification from the office, if necessary.

The academic session of the college is from June to May. A session is divided into two terms.:

a) First term - June to December

b) Second Term - January to May

Admission into the college begins from a date fixed by the Govt. of Odisha and continues till the last date prescribed by the Govt. under the E-admission scheme.

Before a student is admitted into the college she and her guardian have to sign an undertaking in the proper form to the effect that the student will abide by the rules of the college.

Each student must register in the college office the address at which she lives.Any change in address must be intimated to the office in writing.

Students urging to take Transfer certificates, mark sheet and conduct certificates are required to apply to the Principal. For duplicate conduct certificate Rs. 10.00 will be charged. Identity card must be produced at the time of receipt of any certificate or mark-sheet.

As soon as Tutorial-Practical-Proctorial groups are formed and notified, it is the duty of a student to find out the particular group to which she has been assigned. If she is not included in any of the groups she must bring the fact in writing to the notice of the Prof. in-charge of time table.

Fees are received in the college office on the days fixed for collection. Students,shall tender the exact amount of their dues and should stand in queue while waiting at the counter for depositing their fees.

No club or society should be started or maintained in the college without the approval of the Principal.

Students shall abide by such hygienic principles and submit themselves to such anti-epidemic-procedure as would; be laid down by the Principal

Discipline :

a) Students should take their seats before the teacher enters the classroom with proper uniform and should not leave their seats during the lecture.

b) They must not spit on the walls, floor, pillars or doors of .College scribbling,pasting placards or posters or otherwise disfiguring college walls, or boards arestrictly prohibited.

c) Students are forbidden to loiter in the corridors. They have to remain either in the common room or in any vacant room when they have no classes.

d) The tampering with the light and fan switches and gas and water taps and fittings is strictly prohibited

e) Continuous absence without permission is a serious breach of college discipline.

f) Any breach of discipline may be punished with a fine, expulsion or by rustication.

g) Students must conduct themselves with a sense of decorum particularly in the college or playground while attending meetings. Students attending a political meeting shall so conduct themselves as not to bring them into undesirable prominence and they shall not take active part in the proceedings.

h) Use of mobile phone by the students in the class-room is 'not permissible.

I) Any other rule prescribed by the principal for better academic administration of the institution should be adhered to.